
The Epic of Tokka

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The Epic of Tokka
Chapter 1
"The Beginning"

Disclaimer: I, Mitch Wise, does not own "Avatar: The Last Airbender". This story is based off the characters and plot of "Avatar: The Last Airbender".

Team Avatar, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, and Suki, are traveling over the Serpent's Pass to get to the Earth Kingdom capital, Ba Sing Se. The narrow pass is a treacherous route to Ba Sing Se, and should only be used as a last resort. Two nights of traversing the pass, has given lead to a dysfunctional Team Avatar, little did the team know that they will be facing the reason why people call it Serpent's Pass.

"Oh, no." Aang sayed in disbelief.
"What?" Toph replied back.
"Part of the pass is submerged underwater." Sokka muttered to Toph.
"I was asking Aang, Snoozles!" Toph barked back.
"He's right Toph, a section of the pass is underwater." Aang said trying to calm down the blind earth bender.
"I have an idea." Katara finally said and continued,
"Everyone behind me in a single-file line!" she ordered.

Katara approached the water's edge and circling her arms in wide arcs, she created  two walls of water and a strip of earth in the middle. Everyone, including the traveler's that are traveling with Team Avatar to the safety of Ba Sing Se's walls, followed Katara further underwater.

"Aang! I could use some help here!" Katara yelled in order to reach her crush's ears.

Aang followed his sifu's arm movements and formed a roof to the groups' bubble of air.


"What was that?!" Sokka questioned, calling the attention of the group to the sound.
"I don't know Sokka, but it didn't sound happy." Suki answered back to her boyfriend.


"It sounds even closer now!" Aang said with fear in his voice.
"That's it! This plan is over." Toph said while kicking her foot down to shoot up a column of rock breaking the surface of the water.

Team Avatar was half way across the submerged pass, when Toph decided to bring everyone back to the surface.

"Ok, what ever was done there, can't hurt us now, so let's continue across." Katara's voice was riddled with fear, and she pushed out her palms towards the water, freezing it into an ice bridge to the other side.

"Quickly, everyone to the other side!" Katara ordered with a hint of triumph flashing through her voice.

All the travelers made it to the other side without a hitch, when Sokka noticed that Toph was still on her island.

"Toph! Come on!" Sokka pleaded with the little earth bender, throwing his voice to reach her from her little rock.
"I'd prefer to stay here on my island where I can see." she called back, her tone whimpering from fear of the unknown 'thing' that forced them out of the water.
"It will be okay Toph. Follow the sound of my voice."
"Okay Sokka." Toph finished.

As Toph was getting on her feet to travel  across the ice bridge, a Sea Serpent, the same one that tormented the group underwater, rose out of the sea, behind Toph. The beast crashed it's tail against the ice bridge, shattering it easily.

"SOKKA!!" Toph screamed in horror as she felt the ice bridge give way beneath her feet.
"Don't worry Toph! I'm coming!" Sokka shouted with all his might hoping that his words reached his best friend. "Please, Yue, don't let Toph drown." Sokka thought to himself, "I can't lose another friend."  

Sokka was taking off his shoes, preparing to rescue Toph, when Suki still in a full war-dress  dived into the water after Toph. "Great. Now my girlfriend is going to save her.... Oh no! I might lose her too!"

"Suki! NO!" Sokka shouted to his girlfriend.


Aang and Katara saw that Toph was now being rescued, decided to teach the Sea Serpent a lesson in some manners. Aang distracted the beast by using air slices and his glider to fly, and seeing the distracted beast, Katara raised her arms, almost to touch the sky, calling forth a tsunami crashing into the Sea Serpent's body.  The beast reeling in pain decided to retreat, leaving the group to recuperate.

The group met up at the base of the path, and continued walking for a couple of hours, until they reached the main land of Ba Sing Se. There the team set up camp, as everyone was tired after the battle against the Sea Serpent.

Sokka, Suki walked together outside of camp, while Aang, Katara, Toph, and the group of travelers, who consists of a husband , his heavily pregnant wife, and some of their friends, ate lunch as their activities left them in a hunger.

"You know Sokka, when I got to Toph, she kissed me saying, 'Oh, Sokka! I knew you would save me!'." Suki said trying to strike up a conversation, while also trying to strike up a flame in their dying relationship.
"She did? Well, I did say that I was coming for her." Sokka said back, his hand rubbing the back of his head while remembering the event. His best friend, Toph, drowning asking for his help, no one else's, but only his.
"I think you should talk to her about it. She kissed me pretty good." Suki said while touching her cheek where Toph kissed her.
"I will, Suki. Thanks for telling me."
"Your welcome, Sokka." Suki replied turning to meet her boyfriend, and to kiss him, but he was already running off to talk to Toph.
"Hmph." stamping her foot on the ground. "She better not be stealing MY Sokka." she thought to herself, "He is mine, and mine alone!"

Sokka was panting when he reached camp, and he approached Toph, and sat next to her, causing a pink blush to creep on to her cheeks. Sokka turned to Toph, leaned down to her ear and whispered,
"Hey." his warm breath tickling her ear made Toph to silently giggle, but he continued, "Can I talk to you privately for a second?"
"Sure Sokka." Toph answered back not wanting to deny her crush's demand.

After walking away from the camp, Sokka asked Toph still in a whisper,
"Suki told me that you kissed her while saying, 'Oh Sokka! I knew you would save me!' Care to explain yourself?"
"Are you mad at me?" Toph asked hoping that she did nothing wrong, "Jeez, I just wanted to kiss Sokka. What is the big deal about that?"
"No I am not mad." Sokka replied, and Toph knew he was telling the truth as her earth bending abilities allow her not only to sense things around her, but to sense things in other people's bodies.
"I just want to know, why?" Sokka asked.
"Toph! Sokka! We need you! Now!" Katara shouted at them from camp.
"She is about to have a baby, so Toph I need you to create a tent, a big one." Katara yelled again, her voice become hoarse from yelling all day.
"And Sokka! Get me some wet and dry towels." She finished.
OK! kinda of a cliff hanger there. I won't ask for reviews, but it is nice to know that people are reading this story and like it enough to post a review. I want to dedicate this revised chapter 1 to Justthisguyyouknow. His story is very good, and he and I are helping each other out. Also I want to dedicate this entire Epic to Kyoshi7989, his or her work made me fell in love with Tokka and to start writing.

Next Chapter: [link]

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chlerek989's avatar
I luv the cliff hanger at the end!